Rubén Lara

NAME: Rubén Lara Cruces
PLACE OF BIRTH: Málaga, Familia oriunda de Cañete La Real.
Rubén Lara, flamenco guitarist, was born in 1993, he developed an early interest not only for flamenco but for the instrument in particular, beginning to learn flamenco guitar as a disciple of Antonio Soto. He is in the family of the dearest cantaor Pepe Cañete, today disappeared, but present to many in the memory, whose club he passed countless times, sharing and learning in his youth.
Since its inception he has maintained an aesthetic of classical flamenco accompaniment, halfway between the typical sounds of its native Malaga and the school of Jerez or Morón. His way of accompanying and his knowledge of cante make him a guitarist in great demand by cantaores and cantaoras.
He is currently experiencing a sweet moment of professional maturity, being a regular accompaniment guitarist, despite his youth it is easy to see him together with figures such as Miguel Poveda, Israel Fernández, “Cancanilla de Málaga”, Antonio “El Álvarez”, Perico “Pañero” , Paqui Ríos, Luisa Muñoz, Manuel de los Ríos Núñez “El Pititi”, “Antonio de Canillas”, “Gitanillo de Vélez”, José “de los Pañero”, “Canela de San Roque”, “Pepito Vargas”, among others…
Rubén Lara combines his precociously established career as a cante accompanist, with baile accompaniment, or composition and production as a solo guitarist.